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Sweet, sweet, sweet potatoes

I've been a fan of sweet potatoes ever since I met my husband and he introduced me to mashed sweet potatoes. Since then, we've eaten sweet potatoes

every method possible. Sweet potato fries, mashed, baked in the microwave, cooked all day in the crockpot, as a thickener for soups, chopped up in quiche, you name it....sweet potatoes just fit the bill in so many ways! It's not that there's anything wrong with white potatoes, or purple...or whatever colour your potatoes come in... but there is just something wonderful about the texture and flavour of a good sweet potato.

Nutritionally, sweet potatoes and regular potatoes are not wildly different, although they are technically not related to one another in terms of food families. What benefits do sweet potatoes offer compared to white? Well for one, they are slightly less calories. They also contain less carbohydrates, but also less protein than white potatoes. Sweet potatoes are loaded with Vitamin A (contain about 4 times the amount needed in a whole day's worth of food) and also come with a good punch of Vitamin C (and who doesn't want a dose of C vitamin during these sniffling, coughing and germy school days, right?!) For an interesting infographic comparing the two, check out this link:

The best part of sweet potatoes? They taste great! Nutritious, delicious and easy to prepare...what's not to like? What's your favourite way to prepare sweet potatoes?

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