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Staying Well

If you're like me, right now you may be feeling the need for a full body-armor for germ protection! All around us (if you aren't in fact, experiencing it yourself) we are seeing running noses and kleenex boxes emptying, hearing sniffles and coughs, and feeling that sense of invisible "danger" everywhere!

So, what's a person to do? Here are some general guidelines for staying healthy when you are surrounded by those nasty cold and flu germs!

1) Wash your hands regularly. This may be a time when it is OK to be a bit overzealous with this. There's always hand cream to help deal with the dry skin and let's face it, most of us will take dry skin over being sick anyday!

2) Load up on those fruits and vegetables. This may be a good time to give the donuts in the staffroom a miss. Switch to some fruit/veg snacks and be sure to get them at every meal as well.

3) Sleep! Get lots of it. Most studies show that 8-9 hours of sleep is ideal for most people. This is not a time to skimp on sleep. While you sleep your body is repairing itself and healing up from all of the assaults of the day, getting you ready to face the next. Take advantage of your body's natural work and allow it all the time it needs to do so!

4) Exercise. Getting a sweat on everyday helps boost our immunity overall. One caveat to this is that exercise can also be overdone. If you are feeling a bit fatigued during cold and flu season, before you head out for your morning run, maybe consider changing it to a walk, or doing something less demanding.

5) Control your stress. Stress is a big contributor to disease in general and decreases immunity. Take a few minutes for self care each day. Spend some time doing deep breathing exercises, reading quietly, sitting outdoors enjoying the sunshine, having a cup of tea while you sit and do nothing. All of these little activities can help lower stress and decrease your susceptibility.

6) Avoid touching your face when you haven't just recently washed your hands.

7) Laugh. Tell a joke, watch a funny show, or do something silly. Laughter increases your immune response and is protective to your health.

And of course, even if you do all the things you should, you may STILL get sick. Nothing is a guarantee of course! But if you fall prey to those nasty little germs, take care of yourself - rest, stay home for recovery, and sip warm fluids. You'll be back to yourself before you know it :)

Stay well out there!

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