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Holiday Sabotage

I hear it all the time. "Ugh....I need to go on a diet this fall/spring/winter, our holidays just killed me - I'm ____ pounds heavier than before we left!" There is something about being out of routine, in new locations and living the adventure that causes us to let down our guard and indulge just a bit more than we likely should.

Before your next holidays, consider the following steps to help you keep that holiday mindset from sabotaging your weight loss (or weight control) efforts:

1) Be purposeful and plan out opportunities to be physically active. Before you arrive, book a bike tour or walking tour (or any kind of planned activity that will get you moving). We like to book these tours early in our travel - sometimes even on the day we arrive. If hiking is something you enjoy, check out local trails where you'll be staying. Just getting out and active really helps to beat off any jet lag and also gives you a great overview of the new location.

2) Plan to take public transport. Instead of calling a taxi, read about and plan out routes using public transit. This will force you to walk between subway stations/bus stops/sky trains/trains rather than stand at your hotel front door until a taxi pops by. It also gets you out with the locals and gives you a great picture into their day to day lives. Better yet, walk everywhere you can. You'll be amazed at how much more you'll see just because you slowed down enough to actually see those interesting sights!

3) Holidays are definitely a time to indulge. However, that doesn't mean max indulgence every single day. Make it count. If you enjoy a glass of wine, choose that extra special location to really sit, sip and take it all in. That's what makes it special. If you have 3 glasses every night back at the hotel, is it really that special anymore? Probably not. If you're choosing a special lunch indulgence, make the next meal a simple one.

4) When ordering food, it is especially easy to over-order in a new city/foreign country. There are so many things you'd like to try and portions are often unknown. Instead of ordering everything you THINK you want. Order one plate that interests you to try. Maybe consider sharing it with your travel partner. You can always order another dish if it wasn't enough. This saves the guilt of over-ordering and then feeling like you "HAVE" to eat it all now because it will go to waste.

5) Try booking your stay at a B&B or VRBO. This gives you the opportunity to buy local groceries and prepare the occasional meal at home. We often find breakfast is a meal enjoyed leisurely at "home" rather than going from restaurant to restaurant to find something suitable. Staying in a home setting provides you the opportunity to choose a nutritious meal at least once each day.

These are just SOME ways to help you keep on track during your next holiday time. What's your favorite travel "trick" to keep your nutrition/weight on track?

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