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On being consistent

It's easy to think of consistency as taking on a "perfection" like form. As in," I am consistent in __________ because I always do it like this." But this is a false perception of consistency. Consistency is not a flawless perfect habit (or at least, it rarely is). Consistency is the ability to follow through on what you've planned, even if you get temporarily derailed.

For example, you planned on going to the gym after work on Wednesday (which is your regular routine), but you were asked to stay late at work to finish up an important project. Work out missed. This doesn't mean you lacked consistency, it just means you missed a day (or two). The consistency aspect is the attitude that says "Shoot, I can't make it to the gym today, guess I'll work that in to my morning/tomorrow/Friday schedule instead and get back to my usual routine next week". Life will always have "things that come up" to derail you plans. Even positive "derails" like travel can throw you off your routines and healthy habits, but this does not mean you are failing to be consistent,it is simply giving you the opportunity to practice a consistent attitude that says "I will just get back to it at the next turn!"

Don't wallow in your failures to be perfect. Get back up, dust yourself off and move onward!

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